To everyone at Saint Paul:
It is easy to feel weak or vulnerable with all the uncertainty that surrounds us. Praise God, He promises to give us strength. He wants to bless us with peace. (Psalm 29:11) This happens best when we share our concerns with God. He hears us, sympathizes with us, and fills us with hope.
God promises He is always working to create good in every situation. He urges us to partner with Him. God says we can work for good even when we face tremendous limitations. If you look hard enough, you will find some way you can grow in faith and love by loving and serving both God and other people. Maybe this is it: right now, if you are like me, you have a gift of time to do some of the things you usually never get around to. That can be a tremendous blessing (as long as you go do them).
There has been little change with the shelter-in-place order. April 8 is still the day the restrictions will be lifted. That means we will miss Palm Sunday worship this year. We will also have to postpone the Easter Egg Hunt to a later date to be announced.
However, we will have worship on Maundy Thursday (April 9) and Good Friday (April 10) at 7:00 p.m. We will also join together for Easter Sunday on April 12! The Sunrise Service will be at 6:30 a.m. The Easter Celebration Service will be at 9:00 a.m.
We will keep all of the "good health" protocols in place (such as: omitting the Sharing of the Peace, using only the individual Communion Cups, no passing of the Offering Plates, etc.) In addition, we will have large bottles of hand sanitizer available in the sanctuary.
Diane and I are in the Church Office during the week. Be sure to call first before you come. Also, you can always call me on my cell phone. The number is: 630.797.8246.
We will send another "snail mail" letter update out next week. We are trying to keep in touch with as many members and friends of Saint Paul as we can. Please help us by passing the news along to your family and friends.
Also, a few members --- by email --- have asked me about church contributions. Please feel free to try our electronic giving option which is on our website. I have used it several times. It works quite well. Or, feel free to mail your contribution to Church. Our mail is left inside the building, so letters are very safe.
May God fill us all with His joy and peace. May we all abound in hope. May we all live with the full power that the Holy Spirit means to bring us. (Romans 15:13)
Stay well,
Praise God,
Rejoice in Jesus' Love,
Pastor Zimmerman.